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We are a 3 generation family farm located near Luverne, MN. The farm was started in 1950 by Clarence Feikema as a small dairy and crop farm.  After 2 sons, Bob and Chuck, finished their military assignments, they came back to the farm and expanded the crop acres and closed the dairy to open a beef feed yard. When 2 of Chucks sons graduated with degrees in Agriculture, management of the farm was transferred to them.  Currently, we are growing corn, soybeans and small grain in rotation. Adding cover crops with our rotation builds soil fertility. Manure from our cattle feed yard is spread on the fields to increase soil organic matter and increase fertility as well.  Our strength is in our diversity as well as several exceptional, long time employees and family members. 

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We believe that because we are in our third generation and are continuing to move forward we are sustainable and always have been.  Today this word has taken on a new meaning and relevance.  We are always pushing boundaries in technology and science.  Today we implement strip till in corn and soybeans and also no- till for soybeans and small grains.  By doing this, we have reduced our erosion from wind and water and along with the use of cover crops have made our soil take on a new life of its own with better health and structure.  Our water infiltration rates and water holding capacity has increased dramatically in the last 7 years.  We feel that saving the soil is the key to long term sustainability.   Using these practices along with the use of livestock manure from our feedlot and other local farmers has allowed us to reduce our synthetic fertilizer needs by half and increase organic matter.  We believe being good stewards of the earth God has given us is a calling and is core to what we do.  We also believe that by farming this way we not only make our operation more profitable and sustainable but the same is true for the families, businesses and communities in which we live.

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